A year after sparking the #MeToo movement by publicly accusing Hollywood producer Harvey Weinstein of sexual harassment, actress Mira Sorvino is opening up about what’s next for her: eradicating sexual misconduct in the workplace.
“We are going to change this culture brick by brick,” she told “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski at the Know Your Value conference in San Francisco on Saturday. “Our children are not going to grow up into this same rape culture that we did. We are fighting it and we are going to end it,” Sorvino added.
NBC Universal/Know Your Value
The women of the #MeToo movement are seizing their moment
Genie Gratto, Author

“It’s a very serious decision,” Harris told “Morning Joe” co-host Mika Brzezinski during an onstage conversation at the Know Your Value conference in San Francisco. “Over the holiday, I will make that decision with my family.”
Harris, whose husband joined her in the audience, said she is keenly aware of the challenges a barrier-breaking campaign will entail.
“Let’s be honest. It’s going to be ugly,” Harris said. “When you break things, it is painful. And you get cut. And you bleed.”
NBC Universal/Know Your Value
Sen. Kamala Harris nears decision on 2020 presidential bid
Genie Gratto, Author

When I talk to colleagues in nonprofits, one of their top critiques about the sector is inevitably that we all feel like we run from meeting to meeting all day long. It’s the way many nonprofit teams collaborate — gathering around a conference table to reach consensus, share progress, and plan new strategies. Given that marcom folks are involved in almost every aspect of an organization’s work and operations, that makes meeting overload even worse for our teams and ourselves.
Nonprofit MarCommunity
Three ways to boost marcom’s impact at meetings
Genie Gratto, Author

I’ve worked on all kinds of nonprofit marketing and communications teams during my career, from a tiny staff of two to a 16-person communications crew spread across an entire floor. No matter how big or how small, the best nonprofit communications teams all shared the same commitment and similar skill sets.
You don’t get that kind of team by accident. It takes careful consideration and planning to find the people you need to serve the organization you already are …and the one you’re hoping to become. Here are some things to consider and questions to ask as you build the ideal marketing and communications team at your nonprofit.
Nonprofit MarCommunity
Six steps toward building a great nonprofit marcom team
Genie Gratto, Author

Making someone beautiful for a moment, helping them see themselves through the eye of a camera, doesn’t give anyone the down payment on a new apartment, or erase years of abuse, or take away alcohol or drug addiction.
Before we started taking portraits that day, the development director for the organization we were serving talked about how their staff could provide a blanket for someone who needed it, or shelter, or food. “But what you are doing here,” he said, “is feeding their souls.”
Remembering how to smile: Feeding souls, one portrait at a time
Genie Gratto, Author

The word “ban” is a loaded one, virtually guaranteed to inflame readers’ passions on an issue. By defaulting to shorthand descriptions of policies designed to make people healthier, journalists and their editors help to shape public opinion. If articles like those cited above (and the hundreds of others just like them) used more accurate and nuanced language, it’s likely readers would consider these measures in a more balanced, thoughtful way.
Center for Health Journalism
Editorial Shorthand Fails Our Debates on Public Health
Genie Gratto, Ghostwriter

Philanthropy is built on capitalism, and that's what keeps it alive. In 2017, foundations awarded nearly $67 billion, a 6 percent increase from 2016. Those dollars came from profits earned decades ago, and endowments grow because of investments— those endowments themselves directly benefiting from today’s capitalism. If we don’t consider the impact of racism and inequity in the very communities we serve, then those grants can perpetuate the system that oppresses people of color, rather than providing them the support necessary to reach economic parity.
Chronicle of Philanthropy
How Can Philanthropy Advance Martin Luther King’s Goals? 13 Leaders Weigh In
Genie Gratto, Ghostwriter

When people of all identities and backgrounds work together to build AI systems, the results better reflect society at large. Diverse perspectives yield more innovative, human-centered, and ethical products and systems.
Message Platform Development
Genie Gratto, Messaging Strategist

“Surviving, and thriving, and being your best you: That can be the best form of resistance.”
AnitaB.org: Strength in Numbers
Genie Gratto, Producer

“One, it’s about the women. The organization is about creating a place where they can thrive. The second is that we’re in this together. And the third is that you are part of a larger ecosystem, and it is together that we can, and will, change the world.”
Current and Former AnitaB.org CEOs Chat About the Future
Genie Gratto, Producer

“Everyone has an interesting story. Everyone wants to help you. We come because it feeds our professional soul.”
Grace Hopper Celebration 2016 Opening Video
Genie Gratto, Producer